How Does Music Therapy Help Premature Babies?
Music therapy for premature babies has been shown to help reduce stress in the NICU. Several studies conducted while babies are in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) have also proven that music therapy can improve heart rate, feeding and respiratory regulation in premature babies. Our music for premature babies has accomplished all of these things, and the results are impressive. After playing our music to the premature babies, the results of medical studies showed an increase in blood oxygen levels, as well as regulated breathing and heart rate, and an overall relaxed state of the premature babies.
Benefits and Drawbacks
Most baby and preemie music therapy is done in person, with music played live, sung or played with instruments. While this approach is great, it is challenging to do on a regular basis. Parents or the hospital have to make an appointment, live music therapy is expensive in the long run, and you can’t play the music during the night. Our preemie music can be played anytime, anywhere, and as often as you like, while keeping the cost affordable compared to live music therapy. We also recommend, if music therapy has been provided regularly by a music therapist, that parents continue music therapy at home and have our music played during the night or while breastfeeding. Because our music can be played over and over, it gives premature babies a sense of security and familiarity. To conclude premature baby music therapy can be used as a tool by parents at hospitals and at home for the overall benefit of your babies wellbeing.
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